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  • Writer's picturePrincessa de la Paz

My Favorite Ways to Self Care

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

Self care is not selfish. It's an act of love. Here's my top favorite ways to love myself!

Arcades, Jungle Gyms, Playgrounds, Bouncy Houses, Go Karts, Board/Card Games

I THOROUGHLY ENJOY being reacquainted with my inner child on a daily basis. The ability to maintain a sense of creativity, imagination and hope in the world we live in is difficult and often deemed unrealistic. I could not disagree more, and I would also go so far as to say that if we are genuinely looking to be happy and fulfilled in life, a sense of creativity, imagination and hope is a NECESSITY.

So if I have a chance to revisit old video games and engage in friendly competitions at an arcade, I am all in! Let's go to a new place (I love traveling--even if it is just to another city in my state.), try a new food, experience a new culture, get up and play in a jungle gym and revisit our favorite childhood board/card games in a friendly competition of Go Fish, Uno, Candyland, Trouble, or Battleship. Life does not have to be as complicated and chaotic as we make it. If you're gonna work hard at anything, work harder to simplify your life and stress less!

If you are interested in getting assistance simplifying your life and stressing less, ask me for a quote on my life coaching and mental health services! 1-time, 3-month, 6-month, and yearly plans available. Also, take a look at my Back-to-Basics kit to simplify your beauty routine and enhance your natural beauty, as well as my 'Fulfilled Living' Kit, which includes my handbook for simplifying your life for ultimate happiness and fulfillment. #SelfCareatItsBest #selfcare #vacation #travel


"The Most Important Impression You'll Ever Make Consists of the Impressions You Form of  Yourself.

-Shatoyia Jones, Expert Stylist, Motivational Speaker & Life Coach

The forbidden word: EXERCISE. Doesn't it just make you want to cringe? The thought of going to the gym or sweating or not feeling like you can keep up with the other joggers and health nuts? Humans exercise for a variety of reasons: summer body, look good for a partner, a fitness competition, for bragging rights. But one of my favorite reasons is 'just because.' I work out just because I want to feel better during the day ( Exercise is proven to enhance your mood and is essential to the well-being of your lymphatic system, which is essential to your intellect capacity.) 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour--anything is better than nothing, and it encourages you to drink more water to re-hydrate as you go ( I like using this reusable, eco-friendly water bottle to help me drink enough water throughout the day.)! You do not need to be in the gym. Do yoga at home, do some cardio at home, or go dancing! My favorite way to get a work out in: dance fitness and/or social dancing!

If you are interested in trying out dance fitness, attend one of my dance fitness therapy workshops (African, Latin Bellydance, HipHop, Improvisation), book me to teach a group or private class, or simply watch a YouTube Video and get your dance ON! And this time, don't do it for anyone else's impression of you other than your own.

Leisure Reading

Not everyone enjoys fundamental reading, let alone leisure reading, but hear me out.

     What people do not realize is that reading is another [and inexpensive way] to travel to another place without actually leaving the comfort of your own home. I let my hair up and travel to another place--right from a cafe, my bed or couch with a nice warm beverage on a chilly day and cold on a warm day.

My favorite reads:

  • The Holy Bible

  • Philosophical texts

  • About Poverty and Social Systems

  • Romance and Romance in Diverse Relationships

  • Action/Thriller/Mysteries

Looking for a new something to read? Browse inspirational, though-provoking and motivational texts that I have written (and be on the look out for more!) Also, join our book club for 20% off and read/discuss texts with me and our online community every month!

Skin Care

 Find ways to slow your buzzing brain and losen tension in your muscles which includes all of your body: your face, your shoulders, your neck--everything! I enjoy using face masks from Earththerapeutics, Albabotanica and Freeman Beauty (which I also use to massage my muscles), jade rollers, and shea butter massages with shea butter and more from ! I am also thinking about and leaning in favor of scheduling regular massages and incorporating them into lifestyle as well. I used to hate massages because of the thought of others touching me, but now I see the benefits of them!

Space Setting

Simplify your life. Make room for that which matters most.

 I enjoy being at the beach (specifically in Latin America) for the simplicity, the culture of gratefulness, space, serenity and PEACE. In fact, I'm planning to move there in the near future. However, I do not have the luxury of traveling to Latin America whenever I so desire or whenever I feel stressed and overworked, and so I do all in my power to make my living space, the place I reside, as peaceful, serene and simple as possible. Thus, you can often find me cleaning out my closet and donating/giving away decent and useful items I no longer need, de-cluttering my space, diffusing essential oils, and burning myrrth, which I buy in bulk because I burn them so much.  I also enjoy taking time to research more items to make my space more peaceful and open like different storage options, essential oils, incense, home waterfalls (and of course restocking on my favs!)

Get Inspired

 What's your favorite way to self-care/love yourself? Sharing is caring! Leave some ideas below (or links to your fav self care goodies!) for readers like yourself. Do you sell self care goodies? Get featured on our shop! Do you enjoy self care giveaways? Follow the blog on Instagram to stay up-to-date, and be the first to know when ours is happening!

¡VIVA TU VIDA MEJOR (Live your best life)!

Until next time,

Shatoyia, La Princessa de La Paz

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